At Little Bugs Nursery we maximize our opportunities to engage with our community to build stronger connections between families, children, staff and our community;

We believe cooperative, trusting relationships between children and adults is the basis of a solid foundation for children to flourish. By encouraging children to flourish, we encourage a “parent of the month” to participate in a reading initiative at our local library Taylor Memorial, Public Library. This initiative will provide our children and parents a rich literacy environment and allows for us to build our local resources and community networking between children and families. 

In addition, at our centre we support volunteers and students from the community; providing placements, learning opportunities and practical work experience which allows additional attention to our children and the opportunity for our community to support one another. Parents and educators will work together in order for children to meet their maximum potential. We will encourage this by daily, open and positive communication in our log books, between staff and families. Little Bugs Nursery is committed to involving and engaging in local community partners in supporting children, families and staff.

Within our centre, our passion is in our children, and we also wish to give back to children we can help, together. Sick Kids Foundation is our centers chosen community charity to give back. In addition, our centre participates in many food drives with our local church, we ask that parents help participate in giving back to our community.